Breast Augmentation

Round or Anatomical Breast Implants

What Is the Right Breast Implant Shape for Me?

Breast augmentation is a significant decision for many women across Australia and the world. It’s a surgical procedure that aims to modify the size and shape of your breasts. However, the path to achieving the desired breast appearance isn’t just about size; the shape of the implants you choose plays a key role in how proportionate and fitting the results will be. Selecting the right implant shape is more than just a preference; it’s about what fits your body and matches your expectations. With two primary shapes available — round and anatomical breast implants (also known as teardrop) — each offers a different contour and appearance.

In this blog, Melbourne Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Carmen Munteanu will walk you through the distinct features of round and anatomical breast implants. Dr Carmen aims to provide you with clear, easy-to-understand information that will help you make an informed decision that’s right for you.

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What Are Breast Implants?

When you’re considering breast augmentation, it’s essential to start with a solid understanding of what breast implants are and how they’ve changed over time. This knowledge will support you in making a choice that aligns with your body and your expectations.

History of Breast Implants

The journey of breast implants began in the 1960s. Since then, they’ve gone through a lot of changes. Initially, implants were quite basic and only came in a few shapes and sizes. Over the years, as technology and understanding of the human body have improved, so have the implants. They’ve become more sophisticated and varied, offering you a range of options to suit your unique body shape and lifestyle.

The materials used to make them have also seen significant advancements. Early implants were often filled with a silicone gel or saline (saltwater), and while these are still used today, the quality and safety have improved greatly. The outer layer, or shell, has evolved too, from thin layers prone to issues, to stronger, more reliable designs.

Types of Breast Implants

Now, let’s talk about the types of implants you’ll come across in your research and discussions with your plastic surgeon:

  • Silicone vs. Saline. Silicone implants are pre-filled with a silicone gel. They are known for feeling more like natural breast tissue. If a silicone implant leaks, the gel may stay within the implant shell or escape into the breast implant pocket, but it won’t be absorbed into your body. Saline implants, on the other hand, are filled with sterile saltwater. They’re inserted empty and then filled once they’re in place, allowing for a smaller incision. One of the benefits of saline is that if they leak, your body can absorb the saltwater safely.
  • Cohesive Gel “Gummy Bear” Implants. The latest in Silicone implant technology is the cohesive gel implant, often referred to as “gummy bear” implants due to their consistency, which is similar to the chewy candy. These implants maintain their shape even if the shell is broken. They’re firmer to the touch and are shaped more like a natural breast compared to round silicone or saline implants

Each type of implant has its own set of benefits and considerations, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Your choice will depend on your body, your lifestyle, and the look you’re aiming for.

Round Breast Implants

When you’re looking at breast implants, round implants might come up as a popular option.

Characteristics of Round Implants

Round implants are circular and have the same shape all over, which means they can rotate in their pocket without distorting the shape of your breast. They come in various profiles, which refers to how much the implant will project from your chest. Low profile implants are flatter, while high profile options offer more projection and a more prominent silhouette.

Advantages of Round Implants

One of the main reasons you might go for round implants is the fullness they provide, especially at the top of the breasts. This can give a more pronounced curve and can make your breasts appear fuller. They’re often a good match for those who feel their breasts have lost volume due to age or childbearing.

Round implants can also be a good choice if you’re looking for a noticeable enhancement and are less concerned about achieving a ‘natural’ slope. They can suit a wide range of body types, but Dr Carmen will help you decide if they’re the best fit for you.

Considerations and Potential Downsides

While round implants offer certain aesthetic benefits, they also come with considerations. For instance, as the round implant if often softer than an anatomical implant, when lying on your back you can get lateralisation of the implant, where is appears to fall into the armpit.

In the end, the choice between round and other implant shapes is a personal one and should be made based on your body, your goals, and the professional advice of your plastic surgeon.

Anatomical (Teardrop) Breast Implants

If you’re leaning towards a more natural look, anatomical, or teardrop-shaped, implants might catch your attention. They’re designed to mimic the natural slope of the breast, with more volume at the bottom than the top.

Characteristics of Anatomical Implants

Anatomical implants have a tapered appearance, thicker at the base and tapering towards the top, resembling a teardrop. This shape is intended to follow the natural curve of your breast. They come in various textures, which can help keep the implant in place within the breast tissue. The profile of these implants can range from low to high, similar to round implants, affecting how much they project from your chest.

Advantages of Anatomical Implants

The main advantage of anatomical implants is their ability to create a gradual slope, which can result in a more subtle and natural-looking breast contour. They might suit you if you’re looking for enhancement that doesn’t necessarily shout ‘surgery’. They’re often recommended for people who have less natural breast tissue or those who’ve had a mastectomy, as they can provide a more natural shape and feel.

Considerations and Potential Downsides

However, there are some important things to consider with anatomical implants. They have a textured surface, which is meant to keep them in place, but if they do rotate, they can lead to an irregular breast shape, which may require further surgery to correct.

Additionally, the placement of anatomical implants requires a higher degree of surgical skill to ensure they sit correctly and look natural. This means it’s important to choose a plastic surgeon with extensive experience in using these types of implants.

Whether anatomical implants are right for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your body shape, your lifestyle, and what you want to achieve with your breast augmentation. It’s a decision that you should make with careful thought and professional guidance.

Download Dr Carmen’s Guide to Breast Augmentation with Implants Surgery

Choosing Between Round and Anatomical Breast Implants

Choosing the right breast implants is a very personal decision and one that needs to be tailored to you. Your body type, the natural anatomy of your chest, and your lifestyle all play significant roles in this choice.

Body Type and Chest Anatomy

Your natural body shape and the anatomy of your chest are key factors in selecting an implant. For instance, the width of your chest can determine the size of the implant that will look proportional. Similarly, the amount of existing breast tissue you have can influence whether a round or anatomical implant would be more suitable. It’s not just about the look but also about what will fit comfortably and appear harmonious with your overall physique.

Desired Aesthetic Outcome

What do you want to see when you look in the mirror? It’s important to have a clear discussion with Dr Carmen about your aesthetic goals. Whether you’re seeking a subtle modification or a more noticeable change, Dr Carmen can help you understand how different implants can achieve these outcomes. Dr Carmen can also provide visual aids to help you envision how various implants might look on your body.

Lifestyle Considerations

Your daily activities and hobbies should influence your implant choice. If you’re very active, play sports, or do a lot of physical work, you’ll want to consider how different implants might affect your movement and comfort. For example, heavier implants might not be the best option if you’re a runner. Dr Carmen can guide you towards an implant that aligns with your lifestyle, ensuring your augmentation doesn’t hold you back from doing the things you love.

The decision is yours, but it doesn’t have to be made alone. Use the experience of Dr Carmen, consider your body and lifestyle, and you’ll be well on your way to making a choice that’s right for you.

FAQs about Round vs Anatomical Breast Implants

How do I decide between round and anatomical breast implants?

  • The decision between round and anatomical implants depends on several factors, including your desired aesthetic outcome, body shape, and lifestyle. Round implants can provide a fuller look, particularly at the top of the breasts, while anatomical implants can offer a more natural slope and contour. It’s best to discuss your goals and lifestyle with Dr Carmen to determine which shape will best suit your needs.

Will round implants look unnatural compared to anatomical ones?

  • Not necessarily. While anatomical implants are designed to mimic the natural slope of the breast, round implants can also look natural, depending on their placement, the amount of existing breast tissue, and the profile you choose. The ‘unnatural’ look often attributed to round implants is usually a result of choosing a size or profile that doesn’t complement the individual’s body shape.
  • Yes, there can be. For example, if you have a slender frame with minimal breast tissue, Dr Carmen might recommend anatomical implants to achieve a more natural-looking contour. Conversely, if you’re looking to address volume lost due to pregnancy or weight loss, round implants might be suggested to provide fullness, especially in the upper part of the breasts.

Is there a difference in the feel of round versus anatomical implants?

  • Both implant types can be made from similar materials, so the feel can be quite comparable. However, because anatomical implants are often firmer to maintain their shape, some people find that round implants feel softer and more similar to natural breast tissue.

Do round or anatomical implants have a higher risk of complications?

  • Both implant types have similar risks in terms of general surgical complications. However, anatomical implants have a unique risk of malrotation, meaning if the implant rotates, it can lead to an irregular shape that might require revision surgery. Round implants, while they can also rotate, do not have this issue due to their symmetrical shape. Dr Carmen will discuss all potential risks with you during the consultation.

Further Reading about Breast Augmentation with Dr Carmen

Medical References about Breast Implants

Further Reading about Body Procedures with Dr Carmen

Dr Carmen Munteanu FRACS (Plas)

Dr Carmen Munteanu FRACS(Plas) is an experienced Specialist Plastic Surgeon based in Melbourne Australia. She has significant expertise in Breast, Body and Facial Surgery with a particular interest in Labiaplasty, Breast Reduction and Body Lift Surgery After Weightloss