Arm Lift Surgery in Melbourne Victoria by Dr Carmen

An Arm Lift or Arm Reduction procedure, medically known as Brachioplasty, removes the excess sagging and loose skin of the upper arm. The procedure tightens and smooths the underlying tissue and fat in order to redefine the shape of your arm.

Dr Carmen Munteanu is a specialist plastic surgeon and armlift expert. She provides dedicated and compassionate care to her patients who wish to undergo this surgery and reshape their upper arms.

Guide Arm Lift

Download Dr Carmen’s Guide to
Arm Lift Surgery

Am I a good candidate for an Arm Lift?

If the underside of your upper arms are sagging or appearing loose and full due to excess fat and skin, arm lift surgery may be able to provide the results you desire.

Depending on your circumstances, excess fat may be either excised directly, treated with liposuction or both during this procedure.

The exact incision size and location will depend on your circumstances, but it will generally be hidden on the back of your arm, and may extend from the underarm to the elbow.

Arm Lift Before and After Photos

See Arm lift before and after pics of real patients of Dr Carmen – a top Arm lift surgeon in Melbourne.

The Arm Lift Surgical Procedure

To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, you will be administered with either intravenous sedation or general anaesthetic.

The exact length and pattern of the incision for this procedure will depend on the amount and location of excess skin which needs to be removed. Normally this will be along the back of your arm, and could extend from the underarm to just above the elbow. The excess fat may be either excised directly or through liposuction.

Once the underlying supportive tissues have been reshaped and tightened through the use of internal sutures, the skin will then be smoothed over and closed with either dissolvable sutures, or stitches which will require removal.

Dressing and bandages may be applied after the surgery is complete, and you will be given either a compression garment or an elastic bandage to help minimise the swelling. To help drain excess fluid and blood from the site, you may also be fitted with a small tube.

All surgery has risks – for detailed information about the risks and potential complications of arm lift surgery please visit the risks of surgery page.

Recovery after arm lift surgery

We will provide you with detailed instructions for caring for the surgical site, as well as medications you may need to take orally or apply to help with the healing process and recovery. You will also be given a time for a follow-up consultation with Dr Carmen.

To ensure the best results from your surgery, please be sure to follow these instructions.

Planning your Arm Lift

At your pre-operative consultation, Dr Carmen will discuss your goals, expectations, age, medical history and any risk factors.

Following an examination, Dr Carmen will then provide you with her recommendations as to the best options to achieve your desired results, as well the likely outcomes.

You will then be provided with an individualised recommended treatment plan.

planning arm lift surgery

Longer-term results

Provided you maintain your health and fitness, the results of your surgery should be long-lasting. As you continue to age it is inevitable that you continue to lose some firmness, but the bulk of the improvements achieved through an arm lift should be quite permanent.

How much is a Arm Lift in Melbourne? – Surgery Costs & Hospital Fees

Dr Carmen’s team will provide you with a customised fee for your surgery depending on the type of procedure, hospital and how long you want to stay in hospital. An approximate fee range for your arm lift surgery can be provided over the phone when you speak to a Patient Care Advisor. We also provide information on different methods of payment.

At your initial consultation, you will be given a detailed quote for your procedure. This will include a Surgeon’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee and the hospital fees.

Find out more about Arm Lift Payment plans, Prices and Consultation Fees

Arm Lift FAQs

Further Reading – Medical References