Breast implant Types for Breast Surgery in Melbourne with Dr Carmen
Breast Implants are used for Breast Implant Surgery including Breast Augmentation, Breast lift with implants and Breast implant replacement or exchange. A wide range of Breast Implant types are available for consideration.
There are at least 8 different options and surgery choices for Breast Implant Surgery. Breast Implants come in a wide variety of brands, sizes, profiles, fillings and shapes.
Breast Implant Surgery has many options including incision site, implant placement position and whether fat transfer will be used for additional shaping and a better aesthetic outcome.
Breast Implant Brands
Motiva and Mentor Implants are the two most popular quality breast implant brands used in Australia. Dr Carmen prefers to use Motiva Implants which are the next generation.
Breast Implant Size
Breast Implants are available in a wide range of sizes from 100cc to 800+cc. The most common breast implant size used by Dr Carmen is around 300-350ml.
Implants of two different sizes may be used for asymmetric breasts.
Breast Implant Profile
Breast Implants come in a range of profiles or heights to allow for different desired breast projection. Profiles from low to very high are available in different brands. The Mid Profiles are the most popular.
Breast Implant Filling
Saline implants contain sterile salt water. Some women feel more comfortable knowing that the saline implants are filled with a natural solution which is safely and easily absorbed and then expelled by the body should the implant shell leak and collapse. Any rupture can be easily detected and therefore addressed immediately. The implant is placed into the breast pocket as an empty shell and then filled to the desired size. For this reason, the saline implant requires a smaller incision for placement. Dr Carmen Munteanu can also perform minimal adjustments to closely achieve the pre-determined breast size.
Saline implants provide a uniform feel, shape and firmness.
Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel, a material which most closely replicates the feel of your natural breast tissue. Should a silicone implant leak, the gel may either remain within the implant shell, or escape into the breast implant pocket, but the implant will not collapse. Should you choose to have a silicone implant, you may need to regularly attend check-ups to ensure the implants are functioning correctly. The condition of the implants can be determined through an MRI or an ultrasound.
Form-stable implants are sometimes also referred to as “gummy bear implants” as they are able to maintain their form, even if they break. They are filled with a thicker silicone gel than traditional silicone implants and are also considered to be less likely to break. Form-stable implants have a distinct teardrop shape to closely mimic the natural drape and contour of your breast, however, if they rotate, they can result in an unusual appearance. The placement of form-stable implants requires a longer incision as they are pre-filled.
Regardless of which implant filling you receive, it is important to monitor the implants and attend appropriate follow-up consultations and check-ups.
Download Dr Carmen’s Guide to Breast Augmentation with Implants
Breast Implant Shapes
Round implants deliver more upper breast fullness. This shape is commonly preferred to restore upper breast volume which can be lost through breastfeeding or weight loss. There is less concern for round implants to ‘rotate’ out of place.
Teardrop implants, which are also known as anatomical implants, achieve more fullness in the lower half of the breast, and tapers off towards the top. This shape produces a subtle straight-line drape for an attractive and natural-looking result.
Breast Implant Surface texture
Smooth breast implants provide the softest feel. These implants can move with the breast implant pocket, which may give more natural movement. These implants may, however, cause some palpable or visible rippling.
Textured breast implants develop scar tissue to stick to the implant, making them less likely to move around inside of the breast and reposition themselves. Textured breast implants offer some advantages in diminishing the risk of a tight scar capsule.
Breast Augmentation Surgery options
Implant positioning choices
Sub-muscular placement positions the breast implant under the pectoralis muscle on the chest wall. This placement tends to produce a more natural look as the implants are covered by both the breast tissue and the pectoral muscle. It also lowers the chances of hardening (capsular contracture), and makes it easier for you to undergo a mammogram.
The muscle supports the placement of the implant, reducing both the wear to the skin and visible rippling. This placement is somewhat more invasive and requires further recovery time as an incision has been made into the muscle.
Sub-glandular placement positions the implant between the chest muscle and the breast tissue. This surgical procedure is considered less invasive than sub-muscular placement and results in less postoperative discomfort as the muscle remains intact. With this form of placement, the implant does not become distorted when the pectoral muscles are flexed. However, as there is less tissue covering the implant, the breasts are more susceptible to visible rippling and can generally result in a less natural appearance.
Dual plane placement is a combination of sub-glandular and sub-muscular. The dual plane provides a slight breast lift and a natural breast appearance with adequate soft-tissue coverage over the breast implant. This placement technique optimises the dynamics of the implant and the soft tissue, increasing aesthetics and reducing complications.
Implant Incision choices
There is a choice in the positioning of the incision to place the breast implant; in the crease under the breast, under the areola, or in the armpit. In each and every case we aim to achieve the best results possible while minimising scarring.
Fat Transfer to Breasts
Fat alone or Hybrid Breast Surgery – Breast Implants and Fat
A fat transfer breast augmentation utilises fat taken from other parts of your body through liposuction and then injected it into your breasts during surgery to create a better shape and better-looking result.
Fat Transfer can be used on its own – Fat Transfer Breast Enlargement – without an implant or as a Composite or Hybrid Breast Augmentation – fat grafting with breast implants.
The fat grafting option without implants is suitable for any patient who is looking to achieve a small increase in the size of their breasts and prefer natural-looking results. Typically an additional half to one cup bra size. Large volume fat transfer is riskier and not recommended.
The risks in this fat transfer procedure include infection, cysts, microcalcification, death of the fat cells, and even the possibility that the deposited cells will migrate out of the breast area. It may be necessary to undergo “touch-up” injections to maintain the shape of your breasts if you chose this option.