Breast Reduction FAQs & Surgery Questions in Melbourne Victoria by Dr Carmen
Here are Dr Carmen Munteanu’s answers to the most common questions about Breast Reduction Surgery – Breast Reduction FAQs
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Breast Reduction FAQs – General
Are breast reductions permanent?
- The results are generally permanent, but the size and shape of your breasts can still change due to weight gain, big hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause, and ageing.
Can you have a second breast reduction surgery?
- Yes, a second breast reduction surgery is entirely possible, and you can get it done at any point in your life. Typically may be needed if you gain and lose more weight or after another pregnancy.
Do I need a breast lift or reduction?
- These two are entirely different procedures. If you are experiencing sagging, you can get a breast lift. You can get a reduction if you feel like your breasts are too big for your body. You can also get a combination of two if you are looking for both a reduction and a lift.
How long does a breast reduction take?
- Breast reduction can take anywhere between 2 to 5 hours, depending on the shape and size of your breasts and the technique used.
How many stitches will I get in breast reduction?
- Well, the number of stitches will vary from person to person and the technique used. In this day and age, majority if not all stiches will be resorbable, so very rarely you will need them removed by your surgeon.
How much weight do you lose with breast reduction?
- Breast reduction operation is not a weight reduction operation. However, you will be losing the weight of your breasts that gets removed, and ideally, you should not gain it back, as it will deposit possibly somewhere else on your body.
How small can you go with breast reduction?
- Generally, you play a big role in choosing the future size, but limiting factors can be the need to preserve enough breast tissue to support the nipple viability.
Is breast reduction surgery covered by insurance?
- If your breasts are causing you serious medical problems, then insurance will cover part of the expenses associated with the surgery. If you are getting it for aesthetic reasons, insurance will not cover it.
Is a breast lift included in a breast reduction?
- No, it is not included in breast reduction. It is a separate procedure. However, reduction will generally involve a lift as well.
Breast Reduction FAQs about Recovery after Surgery
How long after a breast reduction can you exercise?
- After four weeks, you can resume light activity such as a light walk or stationary cycling. By six to eight weeks, most patients can return to their previous exercise.
How long after breast reduction can I have sex?
- Consider sex a very intense activity for your body and for our breasts. It is best to wait for two weeks before having sex after breast reduction surgery.
How long after breast reduction can I take a bath?
- Avoid showering for a period of 48 hours after the surgery. Always listen to your surgeon in this regard. After removal of the drains you can shower lightly, but soaking your breasts in a bath is not recommended until the wounds are completely healed, 2 weeks or longer, always check with your surgeon.
How long after breast reduction can I wear an underwire bra?
- Wait for three months before you wear an underwire bra. Ask your surgeon when it is ok to start wearing a bra with an underwire.
How long does swelling last after breast reduction?
- Most of the swelling will mostly subside two weeks after the surgery. However, for the final results, you need to wait for at least six months.
How long is breast reduction surgery recovery?
- It will take you six to eight weeks to recover fully after the surgery.
How to shower after breast reduction surgery?
- Do not aim the shower directly at your breasts. Instead, let the waterfall on your back and smoothly run over your breasts.
How to sleep after breast reduction surgery?
- Sleep on your back in an elevated position immediately after the breast reduction surgery.
When can I run after breast reduction?
- You can run eight weeks after the surgery. Make sure to double-check with your plastic surgeon. You will also need a good supportive bra, post-surgical or sports bra.
When can I swim after breast reduction?
- You can swim eight weeks after the surgery after confirmation from your surgeon.
When can you lift after breast reduction?
- You can start lifting eight weeks after the breast reduction surgery. Always check in with a plastic surgeon as well.
How tight should a sports bra be after breast reduction?
- You need to find a sports bra that is snug but not too tight after the surgery.
What bra should I wear after breast reduction?
- Immediately after the surgery, wear a surgical bra as it helps with healing. After two weeks, you can start wearing a sports bra. Stay clear of bras that contain underwire for a period of weeks.
When can you sleep on your side after breast reduction?
- It is recommended to sleep on your back for at least eight weeks or until you are fully recovered. After that, you can sleep on your side.
When do steri strips come off after breast reduction?
- They are typically left for 2 to 3 weeks after the breast reduction surgery.
How to get feeling back in your nipples after breast reduction?
- Well, if you choose the right surgeon and your surgery goes smoothly, you will have feeling in nipples after 6 to 8 weeks of recovery time. If you still feel no sensation on your nipples, it is best to consult with your plastic surgeon. It also depends on the type of procedure that will apply to you, some have better sensation recovery than others.
How to reduce breast reduction scars?
- Wear sunscreen, avoid exposing your scars to direct sunlight, and apply the anti-scar ointments given by your surgeon regularly. Once you are fully healed, you can use scar gels.
What does a hematoma look like after breast reduction?
- It feels and looks like a firm lump under your skin. They can be as small as a grain of rice or as big as a grapefruit.
Why is my stomach so bloated after breast reduction?
- Immediately after the surgery, you will be resting a lot. This lack of mobility will cause fluid retention and lead to swelling, and bloating in your stomach.
Breast Reduction FAQs about Risks of Surgery
Is breast reduction safe?
- Yes, breast reduction surgery is completely safe, provided you choose the right surgeon.
Does breast reduction increase the chance of cancer?
- No, breast reduction has no impact on the risks associated with cancer.
Questions About life after Breast Reduction
Can you get breast cancer after a breast reduction?
- No, breast reduction surgery will have no impact on the risk of breast cancer. Various studies have been done, and it is proven that breast surgery will not increase or decrease the risk of breast cancer. If anything, it might reduce the risk, as your breasts will be easier to examine and you will have less breast tissue, therefore less risk to have cancer.
Can you breastfeed after a breast reduction?
- Well, chances are, you will to be able to breastfeed. If you plan to have kids in the future, it is better to discuss this aspect with your surgeon in advance.
Does breast grow back after reduction?
- No, in most cases, breast reduction is permanent. However, if you gain excess weight, the shape and size of your breasts can change. Significant hormonal changes can cause breasts enlargement as well.
Does breast reduction affect pregnancy?
- No, breast reduction surgery has no impact on pregnancy. You can become pregnant at any point after having the surgery.
Will pregnancy ruin breast reduction?
- Well, it depends. In some cases, women are completely satisfied with their breasts even after childbirth, while in other cases, the size of breasts changes drastically. It varies from person to person and cannot be predicted.
Breast Reduction FAQs about Celebrity Breast Reduction Surgery
Did Ariel Winter get a breast reduction?
- Yes, in fact, she did get breast reduction surgery. Ariel went from a size 32F to a 34D. Her body looks much more proportionate, and Ariel seems to be very happy with the results.
Did Simona Halep have a breast reduction?
- Yes, she did underwent breast reduction surgery. She said, “It’s the weight that troubles me. My ability to react quickly – my breasts make me uncomfortable when I play.” She added further, “I didn’t like them [her breasts] in my everyday life either. I would have gone for surgery even if I hadn’t been a sportswoman.” Simona went from a size 34DD to a 34C and is much happier now.
Did Scarlett Johansson get a breast reduction?
- It is pretty evident that she has undergone breast reduction surgery. However, she never publicly said anything about her plastic surgery, but it is very clear when you compare her before and after photographs.
Questions About Preparing For a Breast Reduction
How do I get a referral for a breast reduction?
- Well, the first thing is to talk to your GP regarding the symptoms of heavy breasts if you are looking to get a rebate from Medicare. He will give you a referral after having a close overview of your condition, which will help the surgeon to plan the surgery accordingly.
How to prepare for breast reduction?
- Here is how you can prepare for your surgery:
- Arrange for your transportation in advance.
- Make sure to take 2 to 3 weeks off from work.
- Make sure to arrange for a comfortable place to rest after the surgery.
- Arrange for someone to help around the house for the first few days.
- Quit smoking and drinking for a few weeks before the surgery.
Who is the right breast reduction surgeon?
- The breast surgeon you feel most comfortable with is the right one for you. Make sure to go through the credentials and experience of your surgeon in detail. Go to the consultation with at least two plastic surgeons before selecting one.
Download Dr Carmen’s Guide to Breast Reduction Surgery – Reduction Mammaplasty

Questions About Qualifying For Breast Reduction Surgery
Further Reading about Breast Reduction Surgery
- Read Dr Carmen’s Breast Reduction page
- See Dr Carmen’s Breast Reduction Gallery to see Before & After photos of real patient’s results
- Read Dr Carmen’s Blog about Scarless Breast Reduction – Is it really possible?
- Read Dr Carmen’s Blog about What Is the Difference between a Breast Reduction and a Breast Lift
- Visit the ASPS USA Breast Reduction page
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